
Digital Media



School Clubs

Digital Skills club is an initiative by Digital Skills for Africa aimed at schools and institutions that want to ensure their students are ready for the future, today. It includes subscription to the Digital Skills for Africa platform for students to be trained in various advanced digital skills including app development, website management, digital marketing and multimedia production.

Course Package

For Professionals

Digital Skills for Professionals is a comprehensive program designed to equip individuals in various industries with the essential digital skills needed to thrive in today’s technology-driven workplace. From mastering productivity tools to leveraging data analysis and digital marketing techniques, this course package provides practical training tailored to the needs of modern professionals.

Course Package

For Creatives

Digital Skills for Creatives is a comprehensive course package designed to empower individuals in creative fields with essential digital skills to enhance their craft, expand their professional opportunities, and thrive in today’s digital landscape. From graphic designers and photographers to writers and artists, this course package provides practical training and resources tailored to the unique needs of creatives across various disciplines.